Monday, January 26, 2015

Scanbalt Experience Tour

I'm currently sitting on the train to Gothenburg (Göteborg), where Jan, Kristin, Ivan, and I will be staying for the evening. Tomorrow morning we depart to Kiruna. It's really, really far, and it's even farther from Gothenburg. Uppsala to Gothenburg is about four hours on the train. The bus to Kiruna stops in Sala, though, which is really close to Uppsala and on the way.

So why did we go to Gothenburg?

I don't know.

The tickets were selling quickly, and so we decided to go to Gothenburg first to see it. Of course, Kristin and Jan are both leaving to go back home for good after this. I could've just gone in the Spring, however... but ah well, lots of traveling ahead.

The bus leaves at 9AM tomorrow, and we'll be traveling from 9AM to 8AM the next day... on the bus. I am trying to tire myself out as much as possible today so I can sleep on the bus and try to prevent motion sickness.

I've attached the itinerary for the tour - I'm so excited!

Uppsala, Sweden