As I wrote before, we made the "mistake" of traveling to Göteborg in order to depart to Kiruna. The trip was completely worth it, though. Gothenburg is a beautiful city, and full of cool bars and cool people. I can't wait to visit again in the Spring.
When we arrived, it was miserably cold and wet. We walked out of the train and shrugged - the last time Jan, Kristin, and I went to Stockholm together it was rainy and wet as well and we had started to think we brought the weather! This was worse than just rainy - it was cold, wet snow that bordered on rain and froze your face after its attempt at something beautiful.
It cleared up after a while, and Ivan joined us. Jan and I attempted to make pasta on the induction stovetop and were very confused. After a while we realized that the specific burner we were trying to use was broken, and that we weren't just terrible at new technology.
The bear and the book, so cute <3