My new favorite word (after ost, of course) is Mysig. It's hard to tell English speakers how to pronounce this word, because y is a really difficult vowel. It's sort of like the "ea" sound in easy, but it's also not at all because i plays that role in Swedish. So, since I can't tell you how to pronounce it, I'll just tell you about it.
It means "cozy." And Swedes speaking English overuse the word "cozy," but it's because mysig is such a common word to use in Swedish. Being in Sweden in December, you can totally feel the coziness everywhere. The goal is to get nice and mysig.
There's a very true joke that the English don't really heat their homes, and everything is cold and grey. If things are cold and grey in England, they are warm and red in Sweden. There is light from everywhere, and people's homes are generally kept very warm and cozy.